Welcome to my website. I have been a clinical psychologist in southern Ohio USA. Beginning my career in 1970, I've practiced in psychiatric and medical hospitals, community mental health centers, and private practice. I have provided expert witness testimony for the Social Security Administration. In May 2007 I became a Consulting Psychologist for Counselling Resource in Great Britain. I semi-retired in September 2015 and moved to Florida.

After 45 years in clnical practice, I have at least semi-retired and relocated to sunny Florida. While I will continue my consultation with the Social Security Administration, I will no longer maintain an office or provide consultation to other agencies. I can be contacted through my new email address if needed.
Looking for Mental Health Articles?
Looking for Mental Health Articles?
I have written several articles that are also posted on internet sites in several countries. These articles are available by clicking on the Articles section of this website.
Two New Translations Available

"Love and Stockholm Syndrome" has been translated into both Czech and Portuguese. Adela Vaskova provided the Czech translation as part of her bachelor's thesis. Ana Genschow, a graduate of Georgetown University, provided the Portuguese translation. Many thanks to these volunteer translators. The translations are available in the "Articles" section of my website.

My most popular article, Identifying Losers, has been translated into Portuguese during Spring 2014  by Ana Genshow. Her translation can be found in the "Articles" section of the website.

This button says it all!
This button says it all!
New Article !

Personality Disorders: The Controllers, Abusers, Manipulators and Users in Relationships

Part III in the "Identifying Losers" series is now available. This article addresses the four recognized Personality Disorders that create the most turmoil, damage, and difficulties in all relationships. They are often our romantic partner, parent, co-worker, sibling, neighbor, supervisor, or relative. 

This article is available in the Articles section of this website.

Spanish Language Versions
Spanish Language Versions
Identifying Losers, Controllers and Abusers - Spanish Version

A Spanish language version of my most popular article is now available on the website, thanks to the efforts of one of our readers. The Spanish version of the Loser article can be found in the "Articles" section of the website.

Personality Disorders: The Controllers, Abusers, Manipulators, and Users in Relationships - Spanish Version

A Spanish language version of my introduction to Personality Disorders was provided by a reader in December 2008. Translations by readers are appreciated. The Spanish version can be found in the "Articles" section of the website.

Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving an Abuser - Spanish Version

This Spanish language version discusses how we become trapped in abusive relationships and offers strategies for family and friends when a loved one becomes a victim of an abuser. The Spanish version can be found in the "Articles" section of the website.

Emotional Memory Management: Positive Control Over Your Memory - Spanish Version

When we remember our past events, it's not the memory that creates problems - it's the mood connected to those memories. This articles offers strategies and techniques to manage trauma memories. The Spanish version can be found in the "Articles" section of the website.

Understanding Depression - Spanish Version

My first client handout and Internet article reviewed the causes, symptoms, and treatment of clinical depression. Available in the "Articles" section.

The Chemical imbalance in Mental Health Problems - Spanish Version

One of my more technical articles - it describes the neurotransmitter processes that create psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, hallucinations, and even obsessive-compulsive disorders. Available in the "Articles" section.

What Are "Bad Nerves" - Spanish Version

"Bad Nerves" is a term used to describe a constant state of anxious apprehension, stress, and social anxiety. The Spanish Version of the article is located in the "Articles" section.

A valuable source of information/tools on Emotional Abuse.
A valuable source of information/tools on Emotional Abuse.


My Thanks and Appreciation

I'd like to thank Mariana Barrancos, Administrator of the Emotional Abuse/Abuso Emocional website for her translation work with my articles. Ms. Barrancos translated the Personality Disorder article and anticipates additional articles as well. Spanish versions of my articles can be found on her website at www.abusoemocional.com and on this website. Her volunteer help is greatly appreciated.  Dr. Carver

For more information on Abuso Emocional, please select the website from the side menu.